Power Simulation in a Mixed Effects design using R


Chris Jungerius


This is an older version of this page, which doesn’t use the faux package. I recommend using faux because it makes setting up simulations faster and easier, but I have left up this version for those who prefer not to install more packages. This version is also slightly more verbose during the simulation setup, which might aid understanding.

In this notebook we’ll go through a quick example of setting up a power analysis, using data from an existing, highly-powered study to make credible parameter estimates. The code for setting up a simulation is inspired by/shamelessly stolen from a great tutorial about this topic by DeBruine & Barr (2021) and Lisa DeBruine’s appendix on its application for sensitivity analysis (DeBruine & Barr, 2020). The aim of this tutorial is two-fold:

  1. To demonstrate this approach for the most basic mixed model (using it only to deal with repeated measures - no nesting, no crossed random effects with stimuli types, etc.) which is a very common use of the technique for researchers in my immediate environment (visual attention research).
  2. To translate this approach to different languages - although I love R and encourage everyone to use it for statistical analysis, Python remains in use by a sizeable number of researchers, and I would also like to introduce Julia as an alternative.

Before we do anything, let’s import all the packages we will need:

library(tidyverse) # Data wrangling, plotting and general awesomeness
library(lmerTest) # Mixed modeling using lme4 with better support for tests
library(broom.mixed) # To make pretty tables
library(knitr) # To print those pretty tables


In this example, we will make an estimate of the number of participants we need to replicate a simple and well-established experimental finding: The capture of attention by a colour singleton during visual search for a unique shape singleton. For this example, we are fortunate in that there are many studies of this effect for us to base our parameter estimates on. One recent example is a highly-powered study by Kirsten Adam from the Serences lab purpose-built to be used for sensitivity analysis. First let’s import the data for our specific case from the Adam et al. (2021) study, which is freely available in an OSF repository, and look at the data.

Note that when previous data doesn’t exist (or even if it does, but you don’t trust that it’s sufficient to base your effect estimates on) there are alternative ways of determining such parameters, including formally determining a smallest effect size of interest (Lakens et al., 2018).

The data we chose is from experiment 1c: variable colour singleton search. We are interested in the raw trial data, not the summary data (We are doing a mixed model after all, not an ANOVA) so we have to grab all the raw files and concatenate them.

df <- list.files(
  path = "./Experiment_1c",
  full.names = T) %>% 
    col_types = cols(
      gender = "c",
      set_size = "f"
  ) %>% 

Once it’s imported, we can take a look at our data, e.g., looking at subject means between the two conditions:

df %>%
        acc == 1,
        set_size == 4
    ) %>%
    mutate(rt = rt * 1000) %>%
            x = distractor,
            y = rt,
            color = as.factor(subject),
            group = as.factor(subject)
    ) +
    guides(color = "none") +
        fun.data = "mean_se",
        size = 1,
        linewidth = 1
    ) +
      fun = "mean",
    theme_bw() +
    ggtitle("Reaction time by participant") +
    xlab("Colour singleton") +
    ylab("Reaction time (ms)") +
    theme(text = element_text(size = 20))

We can clearly see typical atttentional capture effects in the data. Now that we have the data, let’s model it:

d <- df %>% 
  filter(acc == 1,
         set_size == 4) %>% 
  mutate( rt = rt*1000)

# Our model is simple: RT is dependent on distractor presence, with a random slope and intercept for each subject. More complex models are left as an exercise to the reader.

m1 <- lmer(rt ~ distractor + ( distractor | subject), data = d)

effect group term estimate std.error statistic df p.value
fixed NA (Intercept) 651.5000492 16.66271 39.099285 22.99885 0.0e+00
fixed NA distractorpresent 30.8566430 4.75268 6.492473 22.90957 1.3e-06
ran_pars subject sd__(Intercept) 80.6315541 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars subject cor__(Intercept).distractorpresent 0.3498972 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars subject sd__distractorpresent 14.7695907 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars Residual sd__Observation 175.8140465 NA NA NA NA

The above model rt ~ distractor + ( distractor | subject) is our putative data generating process, the parameters that we believe underly the generation of observed dependent variables, and the relationship between those parameters. The table shown above gives us parameter estimates for all fixed and random effects in the model. Now let’s plug those parameters into a simulation!

n_subj     <- 10    # number of subjects
n_present  <- 200   # number of distractor present trials
n_absent   <- 200   # number of distractor absent trials
beta_0     <- 650   # Intercept
beta_1     <- 30    # effect of distractor presence
tau_0      <- 80    # by-subject random intercept sd
tau_1      <- 15    # by-subject random slope sd
rho        <- 0.35  # correlation between intercept and slope
sigma      <- 175   # residual nose

Generate trials with their fixed effects:

# simulate a sample of items
# total number of items = n_ingroup + n_outgroup

items <- data.frame(
  distractor = rep(c("present", "absent"), c(n_present, n_absent))

# effect-code distractor
items$X_i <- recode(items$distractor, "absent" = 0, "present" = 1)

# taking a peek at the items dataframe without changing it
items %>% 
  group_by(distractor) %>% 
  summarise(trial_count = n(), X_i = mean(X_i)) %>% 
distractor trial_count X_i
absent 200 0
present 200 1

And generate participants with their random intercepts and slopes:

# simulate a sample of subjects

# calculate random intercept / random slope covariance
covar <- rho * tau_0 * tau_1

# put values into variance-covariance matrix
cov_mx  <- matrix(
  c(tau_0^2, covar,
    covar,   tau_1^2),
  nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# generate the by-subject random effects
subject_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n_subj,
                             mu = c(T_0s = 0, T_1s = 0),
                             Sigma = cov_mx)

# combine with subject IDs
subjects <- data.frame(subj_id = seq_len(n_subj),

subj_id T_0s T_1s
1 -89.290493 5.816253
2 -148.337118 -13.046963
3 12.117238 14.610919
4 2.359166 -1.880143
5 17.247824 1.459213
6 -31.761044 -20.142109

Now combine and add residual noise to create a complete dataframe:

# cross subjects and items; add an error term
# nrow(.) is the number of rows in the table
trials <- expand_grid(subjects, items)  %>%
  mutate(e_si = rnorm(nrow(.), mean = 0, sd = sigma)) %>%
  select(subj_id, distractor, X_i, everything())

# calculate the response variable
dat_sim <- trials %>%
  mutate(RT = beta_0 + T_0s + (beta_1 + T_1s) * X_i + e_si) %>%
  select(subj_id, distractor, X_i, RT)

subj_id distractor X_i RT
1 present 1 722.5261
1 present 1 675.6957
1 present 1 662.8946
1 present 1 340.1661
1 present 1 612.0086
1 present 1 823.7334

Data generated! Does it look like we’d expect?

dat_sim %>% 
    )) +
  guides(color = "none") +
    fun.data = "mean_se",
    ) +
  ggtitle("Reaction time by participant (simulated)")+
  xlab("Colour singleton")+
  ylab("Reaction time (ms)")+

Looks comparable to the original data! Now let’s fit a model to see if we recover the parameters:

m_sim <- lmer(RT ~ distractor + (distractor | subj_id), dat_sim)
effect group term estimate std.error statistic df p.value
fixed NA (Intercept) 636.1507193 22.384871 28.418780 8.999582 0.0000000
fixed NA distractorpresent 28.4240022 6.110523 4.651648 8.999334 0.0011996
ran_pars subj_id sd__(Intercept) 69.7292857 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars subj_id cor__(Intercept).distractorpresent 0.1328515 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars subj_id sd__distractorpresent 8.7225522 NA NA NA NA
ran_pars Residual sd__Observation 172.4244621 NA NA NA NA

Great, our simulation works - we recover our ground truth for the different coefficients (allowing for differences due to noise and limited sample size). Now for a power analysis, we’d put the above in functions and run the code many times for a given combination of parameters. See below:

my_sim_data <- function(
  n_subj     = 5,       # number of subjects
  n_present  = 200,     # number of distractor present trials
  n_absent   = 200,     # number of distractor absent
  beta_0     = 650,     # Intercept
  beta_1     = 30,      # effect of distractor presence
  tau_0      = 80,      # by-subject random intercept sd
  tau_1      = 15,      # by-subject random slope sd
  rho        = 0.35,    # correlation between intercept and slope
  sigma      = 175      # residual variance

# simulate a sample of items
# total number of items = n_ingroup + n_outgroup
items <- data.frame(
  distractor = rep(c("present", "absent"), c(n_present, n_absent))

# effect-code distractor presence
items$X_i <- recode(items$distractor, "absent" = 0, "present" = 1)

# simulate a sample of subjects

# calculate random intercept / random slope covariance
covar <- rho * tau_0 * tau_1

# put values into variance-covariance matrix
cov_mx  <- matrix(
  c(tau_0^2, covar,
    covar,   tau_1^2),
  nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

# generate the by-subject random effects
subject_rfx <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = n_subj,
                             mu = c(T_0s = 0, T_1s = 0),
                             Sigma = cov_mx)

# combine with subject IDs
subjects <- data.frame(subj_id = seq_len(n_subj),

# cross subject and items; add an error term
# nrow(.) is the number of rows in the table
trials <- expand_grid(subjects, items)  %>%
  mutate(e_si = rnorm(nrow(.), mean = 0, sd = sigma)) %>%
  select(subj_id, distractor, X_i, everything())

# calculate the response variable
dat_sim <- trials %>%
  mutate(RT = beta_0 + T_0s + (beta_1 + T_1s) * X_i + e_si) %>%
  select(subj_id, distractor, X_i, RT)

The above function simulates data. The function below combines it with a model fit so we have a function that can be repeatedly called during our power analysis.

single_run <- function(filename = NULL, ...) {
  # ... is a shortcut that forwards any arguments to my_sim_data()
  dat_sim <- my_sim_data(...)
  # run lmer and capture any warnings
  ww <- ""
    mod_sim <- withCallingHandlers({
      lmer(RT ~ X_i + (1 + X_i | subj_id),
           dat_sim, REML = FALSE)},
      warning = function(w) { ww <<- w$message }
  # get results table and add rep number and any warnings
  sim_results <- broom.mixed::tidy(mod_sim) %>%
    mutate(warnings = ww)
  # add columns for the specified parameters
  params <- list(...)
  for (name in names(params)) {
    sim_results[name] <- params[name]
  # append the results to a file if filename is set
  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    append <- file.exists(filename) # append if the file exists
    write_csv(sim_results, filename, append = append)

Now let’s run our sensitivity analysis - we will run our simulation 1000 times for each combination of parameters, and record how often the fixed effect estimates reach significance:

nreps <- 1000

params <- crossing(
  rep        = 1:nreps,   # number of runs
  n_subj     = 10,        # number of subjects
  n_present  = 150,       # number of distractor present trials
  n_absent   = 150,       # number of distractor absent
  beta_0     = 650,       # Intercept
  beta_1     = 30,        # effect of distractor presence
  tau_0      = 80,        # by-subject random intercept sd
  tau_1      = 15,        # by-subject random slope sd
  rho        = 0.35,      # correlation between intercept and slope
  sigma      = 175        # residual (standard deviation)
) %>%
sims <- purrr::pmap_df(params,single_run,filename=NULL)

# calculate mean estimates and power for specified alpha
alpha <- 0.05
sims %>% 
  filter(effect == "fixed") %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
    mean_estimate = mean(estimate),
    mean_se = mean(std.error),
    power = mean(p.value < alpha),
    .groups = "drop"
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  term        mean_estimate mean_se power
  <chr>               <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept)         650.    23.9  1    
2 X_i                  29.8    7.87 0.942

If we want to run our sensitivity analysis across a given parameter space, we’ll have to map the function single_run to generate data across this space, for example, over a varying number of participants:

filename1 <- "sens1.csv"
nreps <- 1000 # number of replications per parameter combo

params <- crossing(
  rep        = 1:nreps,     # repeats each combo nreps times
  n_subj     = seq(2, 15),  # number of subjects
  n_present  = 150,         # number of distractor present trials
  n_absent   = 150,         # number of distractor absent
  beta_0     = 650,         # Intercept
  beta_1     = 30,          # effect of distractor presence
  tau_0      = 80,          # by-subject random intercept sd
  tau_1      = 15,          # by-subject random slope sd
  rho        = 0.35,        # correlation between intercept and slope
  sigma      = 175          # residual (standard deviation)
) %>%

if (!file.exists(filename1)) {
  # run a simulation for each row of params
  # and save to a file on each rep
  sims1 <- purrr::pmap_df(params, single_run, filename = filename1)

Note that the above could obviously also be run over other dimensions of our parameter space, e.g. for different estimates of the fixed effects, amount of noise, number of trials, etc. etc., by changing the params list. How did we do? Let’s take a look at our power curve.

# read saved simulation data
# NB: col_types is set for warnings in case 
#     the first 1000 rows don't have any
ct <- cols(warnings = col_character(),
           # makes sure plots display in this order
           group = col_factor(ordered = TRUE),
           term = col_factor(ordered = TRUE))
sims1 <- read_csv(filename1, col_types = ct)

power1 <- sims1 %>% 
  filter(effect == "fixed", term == "X_i") %>%
  group_by(n_subj) %>%
    mean_estimate = mean(estimate),
    mean_se = mean(std.error),
    power = mean(p.value < alpha),
    .groups = "drop"

power1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(n_subj, power)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
  ylim(0, 1) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Effect of number of participants") +
  ggtitle("Power for designs varying in sample size") +

Our power analysis has determined that, with the parameters established above, we need ~8 or more participants to reliably detect an effect!

The code used above is specific to power analysis for mixed models, but the approach generalises to other methods too, of course! The above code can easily be wrangled to handle different model types (simply change the model definition in single_run and make sure to capture the right parameters), and even Bayesian approaches. (For a thorough example of doing power analysis with Bayesian methods and the awesome bayesian regression package brms, see Kurz, 2021.)

Even if the above code is spaghetti to you (I was originally planning on also converting it to python/matlab, but there are only so many hours in the dayclick here for a python version or here for a julia version), I hope you will take away a few things from this tutorial:


Adam, K. C. S., Patel, T., Rangan, N., & Serences, J. T. (2021). Classic Visual Search Effects in an Additional Singleton Task: An Open Dataset. 4(1), 34. https://doi.org/10.5334/joc.182
DeBruine, L. M., & Barr, D. J. (2020). Appendix 1c: Sensitivity Analysis. https://debruine.github.io/lmem_sim/articles/appendix1c_sensitivity.html.
DeBruine, L. M., & Barr, D. J. (2021). Understanding Mixed-Effects Models Through Data Simulation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(1), 2515245920965119. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515245920965119
Kurz, A. S. (2021). Bayesian power analysis: Part I. Prepare to reject ‘\(H_0\)‘ with simulation. In A. Solomon Kurz. https://solomonkurz.netlify.app/blog/bayesian-power-analysis-part-i/.
Lakens, D., Scheel, A. M., & Isager, P. M. (2018). Equivalence Testing for Psychological Research: A Tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 259–269. https://doi.org/10.1177/2515245918770963